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About Us

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Stephen Reynolds

With over 28 years in the environmental field, Stephen has planned, managed and coordinated environmental engineering projects needed to achieve and maintain federal, state and local regulatory compliance. In addition, he has developed, negotiated and managed Remedial Investigation (RI), Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE), Record of Decision (ROD), Proposed Plan (PP), and Base Closure Plan (BCP) projects.
As the chief environmental engineer for the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the first environmental engineer hired in its 60 year history, Stephen was one of the key personnel responsible for developing, implementing and revising environmental review guidelines on commercial real estate properties throughout the United States.


During his employment with the SBA, Stephen reviewed thousands of environmental site assessments and advised lending institutions and certified development companies (CDCs) on environmental regulations impacting their loan properties. He also served as environmental technical authority for the SBA's District Legal Counsels and the SBA's Office of General Counsel. In addition, Stephen was a member of the ASTM task group responsible for the current ASTM E 1527-13 standard.


This experience gave him the idea of founding a company that provides solutions and recommendations for meeting environmental challenges faced by lenders, certified development companies (CDCs) and small business owners throughout the United States.


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