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Thanks for responding so quickly.  We appreciate the responsiveness and consistency of your entire environmental team. 


Bradley O. Davidson

Vice President, Senior Credit Officer

Pacific West Certified Development Corporation

I can't thank you enough for the guidance, support and patience you have provided to our CDC over the years. Your professionalism and willingness to share your knowledge with the CDC's are qualities the agency will have a difficult time replacing.


Marie Shires

Vice President
The Pennsylvania Community Development
and Finance Corporation


You have always been accessible, reasonable and extremely helpful in matters concerning environmental issues. You will be missed and you should leave knowing that you have made a huge difference at both the Center and in the CDC industry.


Mike Vanchiere

Senior Vice President

Mountain West Small Business Finance

You have been a great asset to the industry and always very helpful for us. 


Rhonda Pointon
Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Training & Support

National Association of Development Companies (NADCO)

You have been a voice of reason and understanding in dealing with often complicated environmental issues.


David W. Amick

Executive Director

Premier Capital Corporation

Seriously, it has been wonderful to work with you and I appreciate you always going above and beyond to help me over the years.  Working with you has truly been a blessing….


Melinda Coker

Senior Vice President

Small Business Access Partners, Inc.

I was not sure of the specific timing for your retirement but wanted to reach out to you personally and thank you for your counsel and advice on behalf of CDC SBFC.  I have appreciated your follow-up and assistance whenever called upon and your involvement at the center will surely be missed by our company. 


Michael Owen, Chief Credit Officer

Director of Business Development

CDC Small Business Finance

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